Con­trol Room 1

This con­trol room is de­signed for the pro­duc­tion of pop­u­lar mu­sic. At its heart is the SSL C 200 di­git­al con­sole, which has 32 chan­nel strips, 8 mas­ter faders, 64 DSP chan­nels and can real­ise up to 128 I/O. A 5.1 mon­it­or sys­tem from the Brit­ish com­pany ATC is used for mon­it­or­ing. Al­tern­at­ively, vari­ous near-field mon­it­ors are avail­able.

Re­cord­ing and pro­cess­ing is done on our Pro­Tools|HDX2 sys­tem with 128 I/O; UAD2 Duo-Card and vari­ous soft­ware tools for edit­ing, cor­rect­ing and re­pla­cing re­cord­ing ma­ter­i­al com­ple­ment the DAW.

Pro­fes­sion­al ana­logue out­board and multi-ef­fects units (Lex­icon 480, TC Sys­tem 6000, Bricasti M7) are avail­able to the stu­dents for mix­ing. Con­trol room 1 is con­nec­ted to all re­cord­ing rooms of the ETI and the con­cert hall and can thus be used mul­ti­func­tion­ally.

Fur­ther­more, the con­trol room is ex­cel­lently equipped for lec­tures and sem­inars as well as for video out­put from Pro­Tools (46" LCD; note­book table, etc.).