
  1. Mi­cha­el Vor­län­der and Mal­te Kob,
    "Prac­ti­cal as­pects of MLS mea­su­re­ments in buil­ding acou­stics",
    Ap­p­lied Acou­stics 52, 239-258 (1997)  link

  2. M. Kob and M. Vor­län­der,
    "Band Fil­ters and Short Re­ver­be­ra­ti­on Ti­mes",
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca Uni­ted with Acu­sti­ca , (2000)  link

  3. M. Kob,
    "Ei­gen­mo­des of a Flue Or­gan Pi­pe",
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca Uni­ted with Acu­sti­ca , (2000)  link

  4. M. Kob,
    "In­flu­en­ce of Wall Vi­bra­ti­ons on the Tran­si­ent Sound of a Flue Or­gan Pi­pe",
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca Uni­ted with Acu­sti­ca , (2000)  link

  5. Mal­te Kob and Chris­tia­ne Neu­s­chae­fer-Ru­be,
    "A me­thod for mea­su­re­ment of the vo­cal tract im­pe­dance at the mouth",
    Me­di­cal En­gi­nee­ring & Phy­sics 24, 467-471 (2002)  link

  6. Mal­te Kob,
    "Sin­ging Voi­ce Mo­del­ling As We Know It To­day",
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca Uni­ted with Acu­sti­ca , (2004)  link

  7. Mal­te Kob,
    "Ana­ly­sis and mo­del­ling of over­to­ne sin­ging in the sy­gyt sty­le",
    Ap­p­lied Acou­stics 65, 1249-1259 (2004)  link

  8. Mal­te Kob & An­ja Kam­pro­lf & Chris­tia­ne Neu­s­chae­fer‐Ru­be & Oli­ver Gold­schmidt and Gott­fried Beh­ler,
    "Ex­pe­ri­men­tal in­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons of the in­flu­en­ce of room acou­stics on the te­a­cher’s voi­ce",
    The Jour­nal of the Acou­sti­cal So­cie­ty of Ame­ri­ca 120, 3359-3359 (2006)  link

  9. J. Stof­fers & Ch Neu­s­chae­fer-Ru­be and M. Kob,
    "Com­pa­ri­son of Vo­cal Tract Re­so­nance Cha­rac­te­ri­stics Us­ing LPC and Im­pe­dance Mea­su­re­ments",
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca Uni­ted with Acu­sti­ca 92(5), 689-699 (2006)  link

  10. To­bi­as Frau­en­rath & Tho­ralf Ni­en­dorf and Mal­te Kob,
    "Acou­stic Me­thod for Syn­chro­ni­za­ti­on of Ma­gne­tic Re­so­nance Ima­ging (MRI)",
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca Uni­ted with Acu­sti­ca , (2008)  link

  11. Phil­ip­pe H. De­jon­cke­re and Mal­te Kob,
    "Pa­tho­ge­ne­sis of Vo­cal Fold No­du­les: New In­sights from a Mo­del­ling Ap­proach",
    Fo­lia Pho­nia­tri­ca et Lo­go­pa­edi­ca 61, 171-179 (2009)  link

  12. Clau­dia Man­fre­di and Mal­te Kob,
    "New trends in voi­ce pa­tho­lo­gy de­tec­ti­on and clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on",
    Bio­me­di­cal Si­gnal Pro­ces­sing and Con­trol 3, 171-172 (2009)  link

  13. Mal­te Kob and Phil­ip­pe H. De­jon­cke­re,
    "“Ad­van­ced Voi­ce Func­ti­on As­sess­ment”—Goals and ac­ti­vi­ties of COST Ac­ti­on 2103",
    Bio­me­di­cal Si­gnal Pro­ces­sing and Con­trol 4, 173-175 (2009)  link

  14. Mal­te Kob and To­bi­as Frau­en­rath,
    "A sys­tem for par­al­lel mea­su­re­ment of glot­tis ope­ning and la­rynx po­si­ti­on",
    Bio­me­di­cal Si­gnal Pro­ces­sing and Con­trol 4, 221-228 (2009)  link

  15. To­bi­as Frau­en­rath & Fa­bi­an He­zel & Uwe Hein­richs & Se­bas­ti­an Ko­zer­ke & Ja­ne F. Ut­ting & Mal­te Kob & Chri­stoph Bu­ten­weg & Pe­ter Boe­si­ger and Tho­ralf Ni­en­dorf,
    "Fea­si­bi­li­ty of Car­di­ac Ga­ting Free of In­ter­fe­rence With Elec­tro-Ma­gne­tic Fields at 1.5 Tes­la, 3.0 Tes­la and 7.0 Tes­la Us­ing an MR-Steth­os­co­pe",
    In­ves­ti­ga­ti­ve Ra­dio­lo­gy 44, 539-547 (2009)  link

  16. Isao T. To­ku­da & Mar­co Zem­ke & Mal­te Kob and Han­spe­ter Her­zel,
    "Bio­me­cha­ni­cal mo­de­ling of re­gis­ter tran­si­ti­ons and the ro­le of vo­cal tract re­so­na­tors",
    The Jour­nal of the Acou­sti­cal So­cie­ty of Ame­ri­ca 127, 1528-1536 (2010)  link

  17. Mal­te Kob & Na­t­ha­lie Hen­rich & Han­spe­ter Her­zel & Da­vid Ho­ward & Isao To­ku­da and Joe Wolfe,
    "Ana­ly­sing and Un­der­stan­ding the Sin­ging Voi­ce: Re­cent Pro­gress and Open Ques­ti­ons",
    Cur­rent Bio­in­for­ma­tics 6, 362-374 (2011)  link

  18. Rubén Frai­le & Mal­te Kob & Ju­an I. Go­di­no-Llo­ren­te & Ni­colás Sáenz-Lechón & Víc­tor J. Os­ma-Ruiz and Jua­na M. Gu­tiér­rez-Ar­rio­la,
    "Phy­si­cal si­mu­la­ti­on of la­ryn­ge­al dis­or­ders us­ing a mul­ti­ple-mass vo­cal fold mo­del",
    Bio­me­di­cal Si­gnal Pro­ces­sing and Con­trol 7, 65-78 (2012)  link

  19. Tho­mas Héz­ard & Tho­mas Hé­lie & Bo­ris Do­val & Na­t­ha­lie Hen­rich Ber­nar­do­ni and Mal­te Kob,
    "Non-in­va­si­ve vo­cal-folds mo­ni­to­ring us­ing elec­tri­cal ima­ging me­thods",
    100 years of elec­tri­cal ima­ging , 1-4 (2012)  link

  20. An­na-Ka­tha­ri­na Rohlfs & Eric Goo­dyer & Till Clau­ditz & Mar­kus Hess & Mal­te Kob & Su­san Ko­ops & Klaus Pü­schel & Frank W. Ro­e­mer and Frank Mül­ler,
    "The ani­so­tro­pic na­ture of the hu­man vo­cal fold: an ex vi­vo stu­dy",
    Eu­ro­pean Ar­chi­ves of Oto-Rhi­no-La­ryn­go­lo­gy 270, 1885-1895 (2013)  link

  21. Ca­ro­li­ne Haa­ke & Mal­te Kob & Klaus Will­mes and Frank Do­mahs,
    "Word stress pro­ces­sing in spe­ci­fic lan­gua­ge im­pair­ment: Au­di­to­ry or re­pre­sen­ta­tio­nal de­fi­cits?",
    Cli­ni­cal Lin­gui­stics & Pho­ne­tics 27, 594-615 (2013)  link

  22. Ti­mo Gro­the,
    "Sound Cha­rac­te­ri­sa­ti­on of a New Ex­pe­ri­men­tal Bas­soon: The Bas­so­for­te",
    The Dou­ble Reed 37, 97-106 (2014)

  23. Mal­te Kob,
    "In­ton­ta­ti­on im Chor",
    Vox Hu­ma­na 11, 40-45 (2015)  link

  24. An­na Bar­ney and Mal­te Kob,
    "Ad­van­ced voi­ce func­ti­on as­sess­ment: Edi­to­ri­al in­tro­duc­ti­on to this spe­ci­al is­sue",
    Lo­go­pe­dics Pho­nia­trics Vo­co­lo­gy 40, 1-4 (2015)  link

  25. Rubén Frai­le & Ju­an Ig­nacio Go­di­no-Llo­ren­te and Mal­te Kob,
    "Si­mu­la­ti­on of tre­mu­lous voi­ces us­ing a bio­me­cha­ni­cal mo­del",
    EU­RA­SIP Jour­nal on Au­dio, Speech, and Mu­sic Pro­ces­sing 2015, 1 (2015)  link

  26. Ti­mo Gro­the and Jo­han­nes Baum­gart,
    "As­sess­ment of Bas­soon Tu­ning Qua­li­ty from Mea­su­re­ments un­der Play­ing Con­di­ti­ons",
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca Uni­ted with Acu­sti­ca , (2015)  link

  27. In­go R. Tit­ze & Ro­nald J. Ba­ken & Ken­neth W. Bo­ze­man & Svan­te Gran­qv­ist & Na­t­ha­lie Hen­rich & Chris­ti­an T. Herbst & Da­vid M. Ho­ward & Eric J. Hun­ter & De­an Kae­lin & Ray­mond D. Kent & Jo­dy Krei­man & Mal­te Kob & An­ders Löf­qv­ist & Scott Mc­Coy & Do­nald G. Mil­ler & Hu­bert Noé & Ro­nald C. Sche­rer & John R. Smith & Brad H. Sto­ry & Jan G. Švec & Sten Tern­ström and Joe Wolfe,
    "To­ward a con­sen­sus on sym­bo­lic no­ta­ti­on of har­mo­nics, re­so­nances, and for­mants in vo­ca­li­za­ti­on",
    The Jour­nal of the Acou­sti­cal So­cie­ty of Ame­ri­ca 137, 3005-3007 (2015)  link  free link

  28. Se­bas­tià Vi­cenc Amen­gu­al Garí & Juk­ka Pä­ty­nen and Ta­pio Lok­ki,
    "Phy­si­cal and Per­cep­tu­al Com­pa­ri­son of Re­al and Fo­cu­sed Sound Sources in a Con­cert Hall",
    Jour­nal of the Au­dio En­gi­nee­ring So­cie­ty 64, 1014-1025 (2016)  link

  29. Se­bas­tià V. Amen­gu­al Garí & Win­fried La­chen­mayr and Eck­ard Mom­mertz,
    "Spa­ti­al ana­ly­sis and au­ra­li­za­ti­on of room acou­stics us­ing a te­tra­he­dral mi­cro­pho­ne",
    The Jour­nal of the Acou­sti­cal So­cie­ty of Ame­ri­ca 141, EL369-EL374 (2017)  link

  30. Mal­te Kob & Da­vid Ack­er­mann & Ste­fan Wein­zi­erl and Franz Zot­ter,
    "Dy­na­mi­sche Richt­wir­kung von Mu­sik­in­stru­men­ten",
    Ak­us­tik Jour­nal 03, 28-38 (2018)  link

  31. Ka­trin Neu­mann & Ha­rald A. Eu­ler & Mal­te Kob & Alex­an­der Wolff von Gu­den­berg & An­ne-Li­se Gi­raud & To­bi­as Weiss­ger­ber and Chris­ti­an A. Kell,
    "As­sis­ted and un­as­sis­ted re­ces­si­on of func­tio­nal an­oma­li­es as­so­cia­ted with dys­pros­ody in adults who stut­ter",
    Jour­nal of Flu­en­cy Dis­or­ders 55, 120-134 (2018)  link

  32. Lam­ber­to Tron­chin & Mal­te Kob and Clau­dio Gu­ar­nac­cia,
    "Spa­ti­al In­for­ma­ti­on on Voi­ce Ge­ne­ra­ti­on from a Mul­ti-Chan­nel Elec­tro­glot­to­graph",
    Ap­p­lied Sci­en­ces 8, 1560 (2018)  link

  33. Ti­mo Gro­the and Se­bas­tià V. Amen­gu­al Garí,
    "Mea­su­re­ment of "Reed to Room"-Trans­fer Func­ti­ons",
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca Uni­ted with Acu­sti­ca , (2019)  link

  34. Ger­hard Au­mül­ler and Mal­te Kob,
    "Vox Hu­ma­na Forms: Com­pa­ri­son of Two His­to­ri­cal Sound Con­cepts",
    Vox Hu­ma­na , (2020)  link

  35. Die­ter Leck­schat, Chris­ti­an Epe, Mal­te Kob, Bern­hard See­ber, Sa­scha Spors, Ste­fan Wein­zi­erl and Franz Zot­ter,
    „DE­GA-Me­mo­ran­dum Nr. VA 1201 zur Durch­füh­rung und Do­ku­men­ta­ti­on von Au­dio-Pro­duk­tio­nen für wis­sen­schaft­li­che An­wen­dun­gen in der Ak­us­tik“,
    Ze­no­do. htt­ps://­no­do.3597238 (2020)

  36. Isa­bel Schil­ler, Do­mi­ni­que Mor­som­me, Mal­te Kob and An­gé­li­que Re­macle,
    „Noi­se and a Spea­ker's Im­pai­red Voi­ce Qua­li­ty Dis­rupt Spo­ken Lan­gua­ge Pro­ces­sing in School-Aged Child­ren: Evi­dence From Per­for­man­ce and Re­spon­se Ti­me Mea­su­res“,
    Jour­nal of Speech Lan­gua­ge and Hea­ring Re­se­arch 63 (7), 2115-2131 (2020)

  37. Se­bas­tià V. Amen­gu­al Garí, Ba­nu Sa­hin, Dus­tin Ed­dy and Mal­te Kob,
    „Open Da­ta­ba­se of Spa­ti­al Room Im­pul­se Re­spon­ses at Det­mold Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­sic“,
    Con­ven­ti­on e-Brief 617, AES 149th Con­ven­ti­on (2020) link to res­po­si­to­ry@ze­no­do

  38. Isa­bel Schil­ler, Do­mi­ni­que Mor­som­me, Mal­te Kob and An­gé­li­que Re­macle,
    “Lis­te­ning to a Dys­pho­nic Spea­ker in Noi­se May Im­pe­de Child­ren's Spo­ken Lan­gua­ge Pro­ces­sing in a Rea­li­stic Class­room Set­ting“,
    Lan­gua­ge Speech and Hea­ring Ser­vi­ces in Schools 52, 396-408 (2021)

  39. Da­vid Ack­er­mann, Fa­bi­an Brink­mann, Franz Zot­ter, Mal­te Kob and Ste­fan Wein­zi­erl,
    „Com­pa­ra­ti­ve eva­lua­ti­on of in­ter­po­la­ti­on me­thods for the di­rec­ti­vi­ty of mu­si­cal in­stru­ments “,
    EU­RA­SIP Jour­nal on Au­dio Speech and Mu­sic Pro­ces­sing 1 (2021) link

  40. Ste­fan Sent­pa­li & Mal­te Kob & Jo­han­na Bro­nek & Ste­phan Pitsch & En­nes Sar­r­a­dj & Jo­han­nes Wein­zi­erl & Se­bas­ti­an Grei­sin­ger & Ma­xi­mi­li­an Mil­ten­ber­ger and Mo­ni­ka Gatt,
    "Aus­bil­dung in der Ak­us­tik",
    Ak­us­tik Jour­nal 2022, 34-48 (2022)  link

  41. Ji­thin Thil­akan & Ota­vio Co­lel­la Go­mes & Eck­ard Mom­mertz and Mal­te Kob,
    "Pi­lot stu­dy on the per­cep­tu­al qua­li­ty of clo­se-mic re­cor­dings in au­ra­li­za­ti­on of a string en­sem­ble",
    Pro­cee­dings of Mee­tings on Acou­stics 49, 035020 (2022)  link

  42. Lu­cas Hei­de­mann & Do­ro­thea Lin­cke & Ka­rin Loh & Nils Mey­er-Kah­len & Ben­ja­min Mül­ler & Jan Sel­zer and Ji­thin Thil­akan,
    "Pro­mo­vie­ren in der Ak­us­tik",
    Ak­us­tik Jour­nal 5, 7-19 (2023)  link

  43. Ji­thin Thil­akan & Ba­la­mu­ra­li B. T. & Sa­run P. M. and Jer-Ming Chen,
    "Vo­cal Tract Re­so­nance De­tec­ti­on at Low Fre­quen­cies: Im­pro­ving Phy­si­cal and Trans­du­cer Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons",
    Sen­sors 23, 939 (2023)  link

  44. Au­gus­tin Er­noult and Ti­mo Gro­the,
    "Ex­pe­ri­men­tal stu­dy of the ef­fects of the long chim­ney of a clo­sed to­ne­ho­le on the sound of a bas­soon",
    The Jour­nal of the Acou­sti­cal So­cie­ty of Ame­ri­ca 153, 1229-1240 (2023)  link  free link

  45. Kim K. Blasch­ke, Su­san­ne Schwi­ck­ert, Mal­te Kob, 
    Schall­ab­sorp­ti­ons­ei­gen­schaf­ten von Leh­mo­ber­flä­chen
    Bau­phy­sik 45 (6), 289-296 (2023)

  46. Ji­thin Thil­akan, Ba­lu T. Ba­la­mu­ra­li, Jer Ming Chen, Mal­te Kob,
    Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of the per­cep­tu­al im­pres­si­on of sour­ce-le­vel blen­ding bet­ween vio­lins in a joint per­for­man­ce
    Ac­ta Acu­sti­ca 7, 62 (2023)